Poster Assignment (TGJ 3A)

    In this activity you will design a poster for a rave. The poster will appear in local newspapers and billboards throughout the Kenora area. You will be expected to design a full colour, mini-poster with the following requirements.

Equipment, Materials and Supplies

  • digital camera
  • scanners
  • various software
  • internet
  • paper
  • Poster Requirements

  • 8 * 10 inches
  • colour
  • must use 5 different filter effects in Photoshop
  • layered
  • merge linked layers when ready to print
  • time, date, place and cost of the event
  • Procedure

    1. What DJ will the poster be advertising?
    2. Use the internet to capture various graphics for your design.
    3. You will need to use Photoshop for the 5 filter effects.
    4. If size problems persist try using Photoshop for the graphic work and Clarisworks to create the 8*10 required size, cut and paste.
    5. Print and mount your finished product.