Personal Webpage Design (TGJ 3A/G)

What is a Web site?

On the web, a site is a group of related pages that reside together on a web server. When you edit your website on your own computer with HTML (HyperText Markup Language), your site exists as a group of webpages inside a folder on a hard disk attached to your computer. The site folder can contain images and subfolders containing more folders, images, and webpages. Using HTML, you will be required to design a personal webpage of interest.

Building the Website

As with any published project, planning is important and can save you much time and trouble later. A website is structured very differently from printed books and is dependent on both local and network hardware and software.

Assignment requirements

  1. HomePage
  2. Two links to the Home Page
  3. Two links from the Home Page
  4. Enhance page with the following: images, text, border, backgrounds.
  5. One animated gif file