Desktop Publishing Assignment

Students are to produce a magazine following the outlined specifications.


1. 10 pages including cover
2. Include table of contents and masthead
3. All ads are full page
4. place one ad on the front inside cover, one on the back inside cover and one on the
back comer
5. Feature story; three pages including pictures with captions
6. Two columns
7. Five full page ads total
8. Letters to the editor page

Day 1: masthead and table of contents (rough)
Day 2: two column one page
Day 3: two ads
Day 4: feature story (3 pages) - rough
Day 5: feature story completed
Day 6: Letters to Editor (1 page)
Day 7: finish ads
Day 8: Cover
Day 9: Magazine is due


1. All work should be spell-checked and proof-read bya at least one other person.
2. Your time in the class is limited, use your time wisely. Write your column, story and
letters at home. Type them out and save them as plain .txt files on a disk if you can.
3. Two ads plus the cover can be in colour. Avoid solid colour fills. If you want a page
background to be coloured then use coloured paper.
4. Colour printing takes time. We will start printing colour ads when they are finished.
5. Do not print out other parts of your magazine until you have applied the principles
of design first.
6. Print only when you are sure it is done. Check the print setup each time.