3-D Name and Picture (TGJ 2A/G)

Title of Project: Claris Paint Poster (3-D Name and Picture)

Learning Outcomes: Use Claris Paint to produce a poster with text and graphics. Include name in one-point perspective, and a picture taken with a digital camera or a scanned picture.

Indicators: Observable descriptors indicating the extent to which a criterion is met.

Criteria 4 3 2 1
Knowledge of basic commands Adds colour, borders, text, digital photo. Uses text box, graphics boxes and word art independently. Needs some help to start. Needs help at each stage.
Contrast, repetition, alignment, proximity Very clean and sophisticated look. One or two fonts. Refers to a design text. Elements are very similar or very different. Spacing and white spaces are very similar. Too many kinds of elements. Spacing is somewhat random. Every element is different. Spacing and sizing are random.
Unity and Symmetry Very organized look. Looks attractive both close up and at a distance. Shows unity through size, shape and colour. Graphic placement shows symmetry. Graphics show unity through theme. Placement shows approximate alignment. No unity through theme or placement.
Graphics (pic) Graphics are clear, clean, sharp, cropped, well placed. Graphics are clear and cropped. Good contrast in digital photo. Some graphics are unclear or not sized correctly. Colour depth is correct. Colour depth is wrong. Sizing is wrong.
Colour Colour is good, clear, tones appropriate. Some colour tones inappropriate. Some parts of the picture or graphic fuzzy, unclear Most colours inappropriate, fuzzy, do not fit in.
Border Original graphic repeated to form a border. Uses border clip art that is fit to prinatble area. Uses a box that is fit to printable area. No border or border is larger than printable area.