Ad Design Revision (TGJ 2A/G)

So far, you've learned "the basics" about some of the key design principles (space, rhythm, emphasis, contrast, repetition/unity, variety, proportion, proximity/grouping and alignment). Now it's time to apply them! Look at the ad below. Obviously, it is very "busy", crowded, and hard to read. Your job is to take this ad and change it to make it look more professional and easier to read, using the design principles you've learned.

1. First, ask yourself the following questions:

  • Are there any unnecessary characters that clutter things up?
  • What text needs to be grouped together into blocks that have a common thread?
  • Is there any text that needs contrast added? Do titles need to be made bigger?
  • Should you move any blocks of text around to make better use of white space?
  • Are you going to keep the text centered, or align it flush left or flush right?

2. After you've done some thinking, do a pencil "thumbnail" sketch of how you want to "lay out" the ad. Discuss your thumbnail with your teacher before you do the ad.

3. Now, produce the ad using Claris Draw.

4. Write a thorough analysis of the process answering the following in complete sentences:

    a) Describe all the design principles you used, and why you used them.
    b) What challenges, problems or frustrations did you encounter?
    c) Has this been a good learning experience for you? Why or why not?