Newsletter Assignment (TGJ 2A/G)

By now, you are familiar with all the basic design principles through the "visualization" exercises, along with copying, revising and designing your own ads.

Now, we will apply the design principles we've learned to producing a four-page newsletter.

  • The newsletter can be any theme or topic (provided it's
  • Do a thumbnail sketch before you produce your work.
    See your teacher for approval before you start
  • Use some of the examples shown in class as reference
  • Use columns.
  • You must include stories and photos as well as headlines, text boxes and picture boxes.
  • Your work must show evidence of design principles, especially space, rhythm, emphasis, contrast, proportion, repetition, variety and proximity.

Write an analysis which discusses:

  • Which design principles you used; why/how you used them?
  • What impression were you trying to create?
  • How did you use design principles to convey this impression?
  • Did you find this assignment challenging? Why?
  • What did you learn from this experience?

Please submit your thumbnail sketch, completed four-page newsletter and analysis in order to receive a full mark!